Saturday, December 8, 2012

Monday, December 3, 2012

Le temps libre

Make Your Own Word Search
As promised here is a wordsearch of some of the vocabulary we covered in today's lesson.
Can you remember what they all mean in English?

Mademoiselle Morgan

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


there - talking about a place
I'm going to go there tomorrow.
It's over there.

their - belonging to a person (his/her)
Their house is beautiful.
Their mum is strict.

they're - they are - talking about people
They're going to the beach tomorrow.
They're being really silly.

1. Noun = a thing, name or place


2. Adjective = describes a noun


3. Verb = a doing word


4. Adverb = describes a verb


5. Infinitive = these are verbs which start with 'to'
to run
to jump
to sit
to eat

In French and Spanish these are the words which you will find in the dictionary that haven't already been conjugated
jouer - to play
manger - to eat
boire - to drink
aller - to go

bailar - to dance
comer - to eat
cantar - to sing
ir - to go
estudiar - to study

6. Present tense = something that is happening now or that happens in general
I am going to the shop/I go to the shop every day

7. Past tense = this is something which has already happened
I went to the shop.
I used to go to the shop.

8. Future tense = something which is going to (will) happen
I am going to go to the shop (don't confuse this with 'I am going to the shop').
I will go to the shop.

Adjective agreements

In Spanish adjectives change their endings according to the gender and quantity of the words they are describing.

1. If an adjective ends in o (the singular masculine form) you have to add an s to make it plural.

un perro negro - a black dog
unos perros negros - some black dogs

perro - masculine
perros - masculine plural

If the word you are describing is feminine (with una or la) you have to change the o to an a

la corbata blanca - the white tie

Or add as if it is feminine plural (with unas or las)

las corbatas blancas - the white ties

corbata - feminine
corbatas - feminine plural

2. If the adjective ends in an e (interesante, inteligente) then it stays the same for both masculine and feminine.

Mi hermano es inteligente. - My brother is intelligent.
Mi hermana es inteligente. - My sister is intelligent.

However if it is plural you have to add an s.
Mis hermanos son inteligentes.

Use this table to help you:

                            Masculine               Feminine           Masculine plural       Feminine plural  
  Pronoun:               el/un                 la/una                       los/unos                        las/unas
  Ending:                      o                            a                               os                                   as
  Ending:                      e                            e                               es                                   es

Here is a funny music video which might help you understand:

Here is a game to help you practise: CLICK HERE

Hope this was useful. If you're still confused just ask!

Miss Morgan

Monday, May 28, 2012

La Sorpresa de Nandi

Use these flashcards to help you practise the vocabulary for the different fruits. You will need to know most of these for the storytelling project. The video below it tells the story of Sorpresa de Nandi.

Sorry about the spelling mistake by the way: it is supposed to be La SORPRESA de Nandi
Miss Morgan

Sunday, May 13, 2012

El Condicional

The conditional in English normally means a sentence with ‘would’ or ‘could’.

To form the conditional in Spanish we just take the infinitive and add:

Here is a quiz to help you revise.

Here's the song I put on in class if you want to listen again:
Si yo fuera un chico - Beyonce

How many verbs can you name from this topic (El Tiempo Libre)? Play this game on Sporcle to practise.
Here's another with general vocabulary from this topic.
Hope they're useful!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Year 7 - ¿Dónde vives?

Use these flashcards to help you practise some of the vocabulary for Unit 4. Señorita Morgan

El Tiempo Libre Fuera de Casa

Translate these sentences using the correct tenses.
  1. This weekend I am going to go shopping with my little sister.
  2. Next year I am going to go to a concert in Spain.
  3. On Sunday I am going to do my homework.
  4. On Friday afternoon I am going to play football with my brothers.
  5. In Summer I would like to go to a theme park with my friends because I love rollercoasters.
  6. On Monday we are going to listen to music and play videogames.

You can use Word Reference to help you with any words you don't already know.

Remember, to form the near future tense:

Present tense of IR + A + INFINITIVE

Por ejemplo: voy a ir.../vas a bailar/vamos a comprar...

Me gustaría = I would like

Señorita Morgan

Sunday, April 29, 2012

AR Verbs in the Present Tense (2)

If you click Choose a Study Mode underneath the flashcards you can play different games.
Once you have done that you can play these games to help you practice forming AR verbs in the present tense.
Quiz 2

If you feel confident enough with these games you can go on Linguascope.
Ask Miss for the username and password.
Click Enter > Hola > Las asignaturas/la hora.

Miss Morgan

Friday, April 27, 2012

La Comida

Click Choose a Study Mode to play games to help you practice this vocabulary.
Buen fin de semana.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Quelle heure est-il?

Les Cours

Use these flashcards to help you practice the school subjects in French.
If you click Choose a Study Mode you can play different games.
Miss Morgan

School Subjects

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Year 7 Present Tense ER Verbs

Le PrésentUse this PowerPoint to help you revise. Then click the links below it to practice forming the present tense.
View more presentations from Dannielle89.

Present Tense ER Verbs Quiz
Present Tense ER Verbs Battleships
Letter Scramble
More Quizzes

When/if you feel confident enough at forming the present tense go to Linguascope, click Enter, then Bonjour, then have a go at playing:
1. Les Matières scolaires

2. Quelle heure est-il?

And if you really want a challenge...! 
3. Ma journée

Bonne chance! 
(Good luck)
Mademoiselle Morgan

Monday, April 16, 2012


Now see if you can create your own.

You may want to make a wordle first to see if any words have been repeated and need to be changed. If you've repeated words they will show up bigger on the image.

Miss Morgan

Friday, April 13, 2012

Present Tense (AR Verbs)

Spanish Present Tense - AR Verbs(If the PowerPoint doesn't show up on the screen, just click the link below it where it says 'Dannielle89.')

View more PowerPoint from Dannielle89

Music Video on how to form the present tense

Here are some fun games to help you practise forming the Spanish present tense:

Miss Morgan

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Wordle is a website that lets you make pictures like the one below.

If you type in your speaking or writing exam answer it will show you where you have repeated words. 

For example: the picture below is made up of words from my blog, words like 'present' and 'tense' are larger than others because I have repeated them.

So if a word is larger, you may have to change it to something else so that you have more variety of vocabulary in your answer.

For example:
In Spanish 'fui' (I went) could be changed to visité (I visited).

In French 'parce que' (because) could be changed to 'car' (another way of saying because).

Sunday, April 1, 2012

ER Verbs in the Present Tense

In French, an 'ER' verb is just a verb (a doing word) that ends in 'er'.
E.G. parler (to speak), jouer (to play), arriver (to arrive).

To form the present tense (for 'ER' verbs):
1. Take your pronoun:
I - Je
You (singular) - Tu
He/she - Il/elle
We - Nous
You (plural) - Vous
They - Ils/elles

2. Take your verb, for example - 'parler' and take off the ending 'er' so you are left with the stem - parl

3. Add the following endings depending on which pronoun you have used:
Je - e
Tu - es
Il/elle - e
Nous - ons
Vous - ez
Ils/elles - ent

SO, for example, 'I speak' would be 'Je parle'.

Here are some addictive games to help you practise forming the present tense. 
Just click on the links!
Present Tense Endings
ER verbs
Verbs in Present Tense

Enjoy the holidays!
Miss Morgan