Thursday, March 7, 2013

Nous habitons - We live

Use these flashcards and games to help you practise the vocab for the test:

Leave a comment to let me know if it's useful or not :)

Miss Morgan


  1. it's helpfull you have to be really fast

  2. Glad you found it useful! Let me know if you'd like me to make flashcards of any other vocab!

    Enjoy the weekend.
    Mademoiselle Morgan

  3. It was good, not only to revise but I could get it on my kindle so I could be out and about. I did a "where I live test" I got 15/20 as my spelling is not so good, however it was good to practise.
    I'm going to go on the games now,


  4. I found this really good app on my kindle, it's called babbel there is also a Spanish version.



  5. Thank you for your comments E.K :). 15/20 is a good mark to be getting - keep practising when you have time and I'm sure you'll be able to get 20/20 in no time!

    And thank you for telling me about the app - I have added the link to my list at the side.

    Have a good weekend
    Miss Morgan

  6. thanks this really helped i think mainly because it was quite tricky i think you said the yr 7 record was 24 or something i got 22

  7. That's very good well done. I know there was a record of 19 seconds for the scatter game. thank you for the feedback :). Miss Morgan

  8. I did the test mode and i thought it was quite difficult but in the end i got 15/20


  9. Thanks TK.

    15/20 is a good score. Have a go at the different games if you haven't already and I'm sure you'll be able to get 20/20 after a bit of practice :).

    Miss Morgan


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